Welcome back to all of our school families and a special welcome to families that are new to our Catholic schools. The Office of Catholic Schools was busy over the spring and summer working to continue to enhance our Catholic schools. A few of the things we have been doing include:
Visiting each school (in the spring) to speak with staff and faculty as well as school and parish leadership. This was a great opportunity to update our colleagues and obtain their feedback on “Our Catholic Schools: Centered in Christ, Committed to Excellence,” a dedicated effort to strengthen and grow Catholic schools in the diocese. In June, the Office of Catholic Schools staff and Diocesan School Council met to plan for the 2023-24 school year and to review the first year of “Our Catholic Schools: Centered in Christ, Committed to Excellence.”
Revised Theology standards are being finalized and are being piloted this year. • We began review of the Math and Health standards.
We finalized our plan for our fall professional development day in support of our educators, with a focus on literacy.
Thank YOU for allowing us to partner with you in the education and formation of your child.